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Supporting RDMAmojo


All information and posts on this site are free, and I hope that you find them useful. If you'd like to support future information publishing and improve the existing website, please make a (non-tax-deductible) donation via PayPal - a secure online banking service. These donations are used to cover my ongoing expenses - web hosting, domain registrations, and software and hardware purchases.

Please use the following button to make a donation from either your PayPal account or using one of the major credit cards.

The above method of donating is secure. PayPal guarantees your privacy and security. I never receive details of your payment other than the amount, your name, and your optional entered information.


If you have unused NICs which support iWARP (even old ones) - I would be more than happy to get them. This will allow me to make my posts more relevant to the iWARP technology as well.


Many thanks to those of you have already made a donation. It is truly appreciated. Thank you for your support!